"Baptized Paganism - Part II" by Kenneth Cox

"Baptized Paganism - Part II" by Kenneth Cox [LQ]

A subject that will open your eyes to where many of the things we believe came from and how they affect us. You will be surprised how a simple act can change the Whole course of history and leave people in darkness.

Date Posted: 04 Nov 2010
Select Quality: LQ
Give Me The Bible - The Sabbath
What did the Bible says about the Sabbath and what does this mean to me? Speaker and Evangelist, Kenneth Cox, in his public ministry has covered most of the world. He has specialized in world history... [more]

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Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath (1/5)
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Why did Jesus say He was Lord of the Sabbath? What does this mean and does it affect our lives today? Is there something about that day that makes it different than any other day? Here are some very special reasons ... (more)
Baptized Paganism - Part I (2/5)
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The history and development of Paganism and Christianity has been going on since the beginning of time. Learn how they have influenced our lives. (more)
Baptized Paganism - Part II (3/5)
by · 8814 views · LQ
A subject that will open your eyes to where many of the things we believe came from and how they affect us. You will be surprised how a simple act can change the Whole course of history and leave people in darkness. (more)
Sabbath Covenant (4/5)
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God wants to make a covenant with you. What is it? What is involved? Blessings that you have never.dreamed of are available. (more)
How to keep the Sabbath (5/5)
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When God promises something, He never fails. In keeping the Sabbath the Lord makes promises that will change your life and give you assurance and security in this troubled world. (more)


The Woman in the Wilderness
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During the dark ages, God's true people were prosecuted and must hide in the dry and barren places. This is how God protect and provide for His people. (more)
Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
by · 12749 views · LQ
Why did Jesus say He was Lord of the Sabbath? What does this mean and does it affect our lives today? Is there something about that day that makes it different than any other day? Here are some very special reasons ... (more)
History's Greatest Cover Up
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The Bible prophesies that a religious cult will rise and deceive many. See from the Bible how we can identify what this cult is and how we can avoid being deceived. (more)
How Will the World End?
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How will Jesus return to this planet? With so many contradicting theories on these topics from secret rapture to Jesus returning secretly to this planet, what does the Bible really say about this? Let's find out. (more)
Celebration in the Empire
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Discover how the Sabbath can strengthen our rest in Jesus (more)
All Eyes on the Temple
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Will the Temple in Jerusalem be rebuilt? Will the antichrist rule from Jerusalem one day? During this amazing presentation we find an amazing message in the Temple for world leaders today. It may be the most importa... (more)
How Jesus Christ Will Defy the Skeptics and Return to Earth
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The word "rapture" does not appear in the Bible. Yet, correctly understood, it is a Biblical teaching. Let's find out from the Bible, how and when the "rapture" will take place in relation to other end-time events. (more)
Who Will Be the Last Emperor
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The evidence from prophecy reveals that Jesus is the Son of God and the Saviour of the world. (more)
Meltdown of the Empire
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Current events reveal that we need to prepare for the soon return of Jesus Christ and the end of the world. (more)
Solving the Riddle of Religious Confusion
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The Book of Revelation reveals truth and exposes error. Revelation 12 describes a pure woman while Revelation 17 describes the opposite. Who is this woman in scarlet riding on a Beast? (more)
Global Warning
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Surprising Answer to Stress
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Work, work and more work. It seems that the world expects more and more from us. But - great news - the Bible has an answer to our stress that people seem to have forgotten. See how Mark will help us to uncover it. (more)